
BallZ To The Wall Training

Some people have all the luck.  Gohan may have lost have his father during the Cell Games, but he ultimately won the tournament.  He also gained a girlfriend/wife with in Hercule's daughter, Videl.  And while YOU can't marry her, you CAN put her on your bookshelf. Admittedly, I don't really like Videl that much.  It's not that she's bad.  I just don't know that much about her, because I actually tuned out from Dragonball Z when Saiyaman came onto the scene, which is around when Videl was introduced.  That said, she is a twintails girl, so when I saw this statue, I knew I had to get it. This statue depicts Videl at her early stage.  She hasn't cut her hair yet and is ready for action.  She comes in four parts; upper body, lower body, left arm, and a brace for her left leg so she can stand.  It's kind of hard to attach the upper body and the lower body, but it'll be secure once you do.  The brace has a weird fit and it takes a little bit of work to get

Coming Up On Anime Watcher/Manga Reader

Hey, out there.  It's been a while.  After all, it's not easy being an adult and still watching anime and reading manga.  You know, life happens.  But that's not what you came for.  You came for a review.  While I won't be doing that this time around, I do have a number of things lined up.  I can't make promises about the exact order of things, but these are the things coming as I look to hit the ground running once again. I have a number of manga reviews in the pipeline.  Blue Lock, Run On Your New Legs, Asadora, and others.  I even have some naughtier stuff in the pipeline, like Ero Ninja Scrolls.  So, yeah, I'll be playing the field with manga. I have quite a bit of anime lined up as well.  A lot of it is obscure, but there will be a few big ones or relatively big ones, too.  I also have a few live-action adaptation reviews planned, like Ruroni Kenshin. Of course, I can't forget my personal opinion pieces, like my Cool Characters and Anime Hotties/Cuties

Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto Anime Review

Is he cool or is he weird?  Is he attractive or just average?  Is he a human or is he an alien?  This is Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto. Sakamoto follows a protagonist simply known as Sakamoto.  He's charismatic, good-looking, and honestly...kind of weird.  He's always doing weird stuff, but it always pans out.  Not one to waste time, everything he does has a purpose, even when it's not immediately evident what that purpose is. Our cool/weird protagonist, Sakamoto. Naturally, the girls love Sakamoto.  The guys start off resistant to his charms, but eventually he wins them over, too.  Simply put, he's irresistible. Girls can't get enough of Sakamoto. The guys start like this, but end up liking him, too. He has quite a rogue's gallery.  From a high school aged yakuza, the stalker girl, to the school delinquent, to someone who probably graduated from school ten years ago, there are a number of quirky characters for him to interact with.  Most of the time,

Twintails Are Cool

The world is filled with a great number of tropes.  The schoolgirl, the badass in the making, and the crazy bitch, are among them and are known and loved by many.  An underrated trope that I happen to like is what I call the twintail girl. Mikaze of Stratos 4 fame. What is a twintail girl?  Simply put, it is any anime or manga girl who wears pigtails, twin ponytails, or any cute, symmetrical hairstyles like that.  If you were to ask me why I like twintail girls, quite frankly, it's because they tend to be cute.  From the bitchiest tsundere to the purest loli and everything in between, a twintail girl can be all of those while adding an element of cuteness. Burst Angel's Amy is a prime example of a twintail loli. When you watch as much anime and read as much manga as I do, you see a lot of these girls.  Ikkitousen's Ryofu Housen was my first time seeing a twintail girl and I was drawn to her immediately.  She was my favorite anime girl for many years and still remains one of

King's Game Anime Review

Imagine you're a high school student in Japan.  Now imagine you have to play a glorified game of Simon Says with your cell phone.  Digging deeper that you have to watch your classmates die.  This is King's Game. King's Game is a death-game anime, not too far removed from the likes of Danganronpa or Battle Royale.  The protagonist is a boy called Nobuaki, who has experienced great loss because of the King's Game.  The story is told in two parts; Nobuaki's first game where he watched his entire class die and the current game where he's trying to save the class.  This essentially means he has to watch two entire classes die unless he can do something about it. Our Protagonist, Nobuaki. So, what is this King's Game?  Someone or something only known as The King calls people and forces them to compete in the game.  The King will ask them to do things that may or may not be weird.  It could be as harmless as winning a popularity contest or as messed up

The Bow: Who Did It Better?

The bow can be many things.  It can be a greeting, a show of respect, or a quiet way of thanking someone.  It can be a great tool in navigating the social hierarchy of some countries. Here at Anime Watcher/Manga Reader, the bow can another thing; sexy.  Purposely embarrassing and accidently sexy, the bow can be very quite arousing.  With that in mind, we come to two of the sexiest bows in manga history: Yukino's in Fairy Tail and Asuza Fuyutsuki's from Great Teacher Onizuka.  So, which bow is better?  Let's find out. A totally defeated Fuyutsuki prepares to bow. Simply stripping naked in front of her guildmates isn't embarrassing enough for Yukino. First, let's examine the circumstances of each.  Fuyutsuki's bow comes as a result of some pretty messed up circumstances.  How messed up?  Basically, she gets beaten up by three female students, who then cut off and steal her panties and cut her skirt very short.  The students then send out a message to

Top 10 Crazy Bitches In Anime and Manga

Manga girls.  You've got to love them.  They come in all shapes and sizes and have lots of personality.  Heck, some of them are even kind of cute. Of course, no manga is complete without a crazy bitch.  The crazy bitch-type is just as diverse as manga girls as a whole.  The most consistent trait across the board is the fact that she is a crazy bitch.  In no particular order, these are my top 10 crazy bitches. 10.  Junko Enoshima (Dangan Ronpa) I've you like being filled with despair, Junko's your girl. Sigh, what a waste.  That's all I can say when I see this girl.  She's so freaking hot.  If only she weren't so obsessed with despair, might have been a good waifu.  Then again, some guys like 'em crazy.  I won't even start on her list of atrocities.  It's so long, it deserves it's own blog entry. 9.  Yumeko Jabami  (Kakegurui) This is par for the course for Yumeko. No matter what's happening, she confronts it with a smile,