High-Rise Invasion Review

You're trapped in a world full of skyscrapers, bridges, and mask-wearing killers.  The stairways are all blocked off.  The only way down is to jump off the nearest rooftop and become a splat on the sidewalk.  What do you do?  This is High-Rise Invasion.

Yuri Honjo is the hapless protagonist of this story.  She was on her way to school when she somehow wound up in this skyscraper world.  The first thing she sees up arriving is a psychopath having sliced a kid's head in half.  Not wanting to wind up like that, she runs.

Our protagonist, Yuri Honjo.
This is when she discovers she's in a world of skyscrapers with no stairs leading to the ground.  This is also when we discover she is scared of heights.  We also discover (through Yuri's observations) that the killers WILL kill you...unless they think you're going to jump and plummet to your death.  Why?  Just because.

Yuri is not alone in this world.  Besides her and the killers, there are also a number of others who were brought to this world with no idea how they got there.  Try not to get attached to these characters because they don't last long.  Also, there's something about the killers' identities and how they become killers, but saying would be spoilers.

Put on a mask...

...and become a killer.
This manga has two things going for it.  The first is the Yuri-centric fanservice.  Yuri is a cute girl and the manga will do everything in its power to give you what it thinks you want.  Her panties show quite often and she winds up nearly topless several times.  If you like fanservice in your manga, this is the book for you.

The manga isn't afraid to show Yuri's goods, but...

...she gets badass moments, too.
The second thing is the gruesome death.  When people go over the sides of the buildings, you will follow them on their journey to the ground and see their reactions right before they go "splat" (or "goipan" in Japanese), exploding in a geyser of blood.  Then Yuri will look down, showing you that the person the fell is indeed nothing more than a stain on the sidewalk.  I have to admit, the falls are funny sometimes (just read the scene where one cop pushes another off a roof).

You will follow victims ALL THE WAY to the ground.
It's not people falling to there deaths, though.  People get shot, sliced in half, beheaded, among other things.  The guts, viscera, and vomit, too.  In other words, don't read this manga if you have a weak stomach or are about to eat.

He got "a head" of himself.
High-Rise Invasion is a decent read.  Yuri is cute and kind of a badass at the same time, which makes her fun to follow.  Read as she tries to hold onto her sanity while trying not to die.  It's a solid book.  Read it.


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