Akame Ga Kill Anime Review
At least, a review of the mighty Akame Ga Kill. It's supposedly a new kind of anime, but how much different is it really? Let's find out together. Akame Ga Kill main claim is that any character can die at anytime, so no one is safe. To an extent, this is true. Your favorites likely WILL die. The most impactful death has to be when the first major character dies. It was a surprise, not just because the character actually died but how early in the show it happened. She didn't die fighting heroically in the final battle, but very early in the series. When characters die, they don't come back as spirits or any of that other weird crap. They really die. Speaking of death, this is a violent anime. It may look like a normal, teeny-bopper anime, but stuff gets pretty gritty in a hurry. Tatsumi (the main character) sets out on a journal with two friends at the beginning of the anime. They get separated and once reun...