Anime or Manga?

Most of the time, people say the manga is better option.  They are usually right.  I mean, what could be better than going to a bookstore or library and deciding which book you whant to take home.  However, there is value to anime.

In anime, the characters move, talk, and come to life.  They have voices and color.  There's also the appeal of being able to watch the action play out instead of trying to use imagination and logic to piece together what happened when things get confusing.  Yes, it can be sort of weird to hear that tough guy you've following for twenty volumes not sound as tough as you thought, but that can be forgiven because he's still a badass.  There's a pageantry that manga just don't have.

Manga, on the other hand, are usually grittier and they can get away with more some.  For example, in the Fairy Tail manga, there is a scene where a character called Yukino is made to strip naked and bow down in front of her...friends, I guess.  In the anime, she strips, but doesn't bow.  The only reason one can think of for this is that it's simply too much for an audience watching it play out to take.  In short, manga isn't censored as heavily as anime, so the creators can get away with more.

Also, manga is usually considered the true version of the story.  It tell the story without having to rely on the most hated word in all of anime; filler.  Granted, not all filler is bad, too much of it simply isn't wanted.  You can look at manga as a straight line, while anime is a weaving line with many twist and turns just to get to the same point.  Sometimes filler is good, sometimes is bad, but it's almost always unnecessary.

The reason behind filler is understandable.  The anime version of a story moves faster than the manga version, so filler is created to allow the manga to catch up.  Also, filler can allow the audience to catch their breath after a big battle, rather than just throw you straight into the next big battle.  However, as stated before, sometimes it's just to much.  Also, sometimes it sucks to see characters the anime created never show up again or do anything major in an attempt to maintain continuity with the manga.

Speaking of characters, as you can guess, characters are added or removed from each version for whatever reason.  It's weird watching the Cardcaptors anime and loving Meilin Rae to death, only to read the manga and see she doesn't exist there.  Or reading the manga, then watching the anime and asking, "Who the heck is this?"

Anime or manga, which is superior.  Sometimes there is a clear winner, while other times it's too close to call.  Any real fan would just say, "Bring it on.  I like both."  Ichigo Kurosawa will still kick as much ass, whether he has a voice and color or not.  Natsu Dragneel will still be a tough idiot, no matter how much filler he has to beat his way through to prove it.  Whichever medium the viewer chooses, it doesn't matter as long as they as entertained.  And it won't matter which the viewer chooses if they like the story and characters.


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