
Showing posts from February, 2018

My Hero Academia Anime Review

My Hero Academia is a good manga.  There can be no question about that.  Does the anime live up to the lofty standards set by the manga?  Let's find out. Just like the manga, the anime centers around Izuku Midoriya in his quest to become the greatest hero ever.  He faces the same obstacles he did in the manga.  Doubters, supervillains, a childhood rival, and his own inherited quirk will do their best to stop him. Izuku and his trademark crying are here in full. All the characters you know and love are here.  Iida, Asui, Uraraka, and others are here, acting and sounding the way you'd imagine they would.  Asui sounds like the human frog she is.  Bakugo sounds like a hothead bent on Izuku's destruction, as he should. I've heard of tree-huggers, but not bomb-huggers. One character they did particularly well was All Might.  From his booming voice to the heroic theme that plays whenever he shows up, they hit all the right notes with him in hero mode.  His

Cool Characters: Soma Yukihira

Wild hair, a hair/wrist band, and insane cooking skills.  That's what Soma Yukihira, protagonist of Food Wars, is all about. Soma Yukihira is the protagonist of Food Wars and is pretty likeable.  He has a desire to cook, both good food and bad.  This gives him the unique ability to dole out food orgasms AND food rape. Four adults laid out without throwing a single punch. He has a wide variety of emotions.  From happy to determined, even anger.  Soma feels it all. He can be cocky. Look how happy he looks. Something catches Soma's eye. When Soma gets mad, pray Tadokoro can hold him back. He won't back down from a challenge. Whether it's students... ...grown men... ...or chickens, Soma won't back down... ...even when everyone else does. Nothing's more challenging than recovering from a major fuck up. And he hates losing. Soma takes out a loss on a defenseless wall. He knows how to take a hit, too

Kakegurui Review

Sometimes it's nonviolent things that make a manga good.  It's doesn't always have to be a battle to save the world to be exciting.  With Food Wars, it's intense cooking contests.  With Kokoro Connect, it the simple act of opening up to your friend and/or lovers.  Well, with Kakegurui, it's gambling.  High-stakes gambling involving high school students. Kakegurui is about kids in a school for the wealthy and elite who gamble their butts off.  They may be kids, but they aren't gambling for lunch money.  They toss out big numbers the could rival many people's monthly or yearly salary.  So, things start off crazy right of the bat. The main character is kind of a deception.  You start of thinking that it's some worthless boy, but things quickly shift to a crazy girl who's obsessed with gambling.  It doesn't take long for things to get disturbing afterwards.  First, they start off gambling for yearly salaries.  Then, they start gambling for fi

12 Beast Review

Ninjas, monster girls, videogames, and warfare.  Oh, and fanservice.  That's 12 Beast in a nutshell.  Let's dive in for a deeper look. The protgonist, Eita Touga, is a horny ninja otaku.  In other words, an average teenage boy in manga.  Life was pretty crappy for him, until he got sucked into a world called the Reverse.  Now it's up to him to save the Reserve from the clutches of his older brother. 12 Beast is like a kind of like a harem manga, featuring a number of attractive...humanoids females to drool over.  Harpies, minotaurs, mermaids, and squids, among other creatures have a big-breasted female representative in this manga.  As you might expect, these females wind up topless or totally nude sooner or later.  Will Eita get with one of these humanoids?  Probably. The enemy is filled with powerful things like mechs, robots, and fishermen.  Yep.  Fishermen.  Heaven forbid you be a merperson.  You'll have no chance to beat a single fisherman. 12 Beast doe

Anime Cuties: Megumi Tadokoro

With blue hair and yellow eyes, she stumbles and bumbles her way out of the snow and into the kitchen...and possibly your heart.  It's Megumi Tadokoro, the lovable buffoon from Food Wars. Megumi Tadokoro is a potential love interest for series protagonist, Soma Yukihira.  Before she met Soma, she was a bottom-of-the-barrel talent, but since then she's found her niche.  She doesn't have Erina Nakiri's talent, Alice Nakiri's intrigue, or Ikumi Mito's looks, but she's got the biggest heart of the bunch (though I'm not sure Alice counts).  If only she weren't so clumsy... That's the Tadokoro we know and love. Tadokoro is different from most of the other character's in the series.  Most characters take up a challenge.  Tadokoro, however, usually backs down. If you challenge her, she WILL back down... ...unless it's an apologizing contest. When the going gets tough, she lies down. Tadokoro having been knock flat on h

Anime Hotties: Ikumi Mito

Tan, blonde, scantily-clad, and obsessed with meat.  These things all describe Food Wars' Ikumi Mito...or Nikumi as she's called in the manga...or Meat-Meat as the anime calls her.  No matter what you call her, she's the same girl. Ikumi Mito is a master of procuring, prepping, and cooking meat.  She's also a potential love interest for series protagonist Soma Yukihira.  Of all of Soma's candidates, she's probably the sexiest (or at least she dresses the sexiest).  Rarely seen in a full uniform, she's pretty much shirtless 90% of the time.  It's not hard to see where her appeal lies. Up close to Ikumi's..."appeal". However, sometimes her "appeal" is not good enough. "I lost?  Were my breasts not big enough?" She can be pretty competitive. Ikumi meets the competition. Even Soma can't escape her competitive edge. She can also be aggressive. Don't do it Ikumi! And she's unfa